MSP’s – How to know if your client would benefit from custom software
MSP, VAR or Integrator? Use this quick guide to help establish if your client is a suitable candidate for custom software.
An ‘off the shelf’ solution won’t address their problem.
Do they have a process so complex that the ‘one-fits-all’ solution doesn’t fit?
Does developing a custom solution make commercial sense?
The goal of developing custom software is to provide measurable value such as saving time/money, generating additional revenue or providing a competitive advantage.
Does your client have budget?
While some projects are in the $50k range, most of the projects that we work on are between $50-500k.
Do they have realistic budget expectations?
Clients who have only ever purchased “off the shelf” solutions are sometimes unaware of the cost of a custom solution. Custom-built software is developed for specific needs, so there can be more up-front costs. But it is well worth the resources it requires if they hope to build a business of meaningful scale.
Do they have a ‘technical champion’?
It’s important that there is a technical “champion” within the organization. Some clients see the value of a custom solution but simply don’t have the technical know-how to manage the dev process. Of course, the MSP can be very helpful in the role of trusted advisor for the client.
The majority of clients referred to us by MSPs are those who have an existing legacy application that is in need of a refresh or a company who has attempted custom development with less than stellar results. We often hear the same words “we had a guy…” and they share their story, minus the happy ending.
We 100% understand their frustration. Both types of clients have realistic expectations of what is involved in custom development but have typically been underwhelmed and frustrated with the process. And that’s something we work hard to change.